Time-based slot ads

Trafficking slot ads is two-phased and begins with uploading the ad creative onto Richie admin and is completed with creating flights for the creatives. The upload process is slightly different depending on the ad creative used, rich media or still image.

1. Uploading an ad creative 

  • Navigate to the ‘Normal’ tab in the ‘Ads’ view in Richie Admin

Rich media ad creatives

  • Choose ‘+ New Ad’
  • Name the ad, upload the zipped HTML ad creative and click ‘Create ad’

Still image ad creatives

  • In the drop down menu of the ‘+ New Ad’ button, choose ‘New ad with images…’
  • Name the ad
  • Upload images in both portrait and landscape
    • If images are in retina resolution, you can skip uploading normal quality images and let the system automatically generate normal quality images from the retina images by ticking ‘Use retina’
  • ‘Create ad’

2. Creating flights

  • Navigate to the ‘Ads’ view in Richie Admin
  • From the ‘Action’ drop down menu, choose to create a flight
    • Choose either an application group for which the flights should be created or individual application identifiers
    • Slot: Page
    • Set Start time and End time
    • Create a campaign by typing a suitable campaign name
      • All flights within one ad campaign can be placed under the same campaign, even when run with multiple ad creatives.
      • Creative specific campaign data is available on the campaign report
    • Create flight
      • Flights will appear in the ‘Ads’ view column ‘Flights’ only when they are live. Flights created for future dates are displayed in the ‘Flights’ view ‘Enabled’ tab.

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