Uploading a new issue

In the home view of the Maggio author for your publication, click 'Add new issue'.  

If your organization has several products for publishing different types of publications, click 'Add new issue' and then choose the correct product. 

  • A new issue will be created and you will be directed to the new issue. Click on the 'Untitled issue' header to name your new issue.
  • Drop PDF files on top of the blank area.
  • You can drop multiple or all files at a time, the maximum size for one file is 100 MB. If needed, split your PDF file and upload the files separately. Note that uploading PDFs as separate files (one page, one file) is required if your publication uses the table of contents feature.

Wait for the upload to finish before closing the pop-up window. 

  • Once the files have been fully processed and thumbnails are visible for all pages, click 'Generate'.

Generating usually takes about 5 minutes. No actions are required while your issue is generating, and the browser window can safely be closed during an ongoing generating job. You may go on setting publishing details for your issue during this time. 

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